We will help you to choose the best style bouquet to compliment your figure and your dress. We will work with your budget no matter what size to give you the best possible flowers for your day.
As well as providing your flowers we have a variety of vases and t-lite holders you can hire at reasonable prices.
Click here for the seasonal flowers in New Zealand per month
"Excellent in every way and the most beautiful flower arrangements. Thank you so much Urban Flowers, my wedding was perfect! - Caroline"
Urban Flowers offer a full consultative service, written quotation and absolutely stunning floral designs to each of their bridal couples. Visual treats and wow factor guaranteed.
From small bouquets, to cake decorations, to the dressing of entire churches and venues, Urban Flowers have got you covered with colourful, seasonal flowers. We pay attention to all the small details that matter and make the difference to make your wedding day truly special.
We work with you to bring to life exactly what you envisioned. Whatever style of flowers you are considering, be it traditional, rustic, boho or anything else, we will create the perfect flowers for you.
Based in Sandringham Road in Kingsland, Urban Flowers cover the whole of Auckland including the North Shore and further a field.
Get in touch with Urban Flowers today through the contact form on the contact us page or call Bronwen for a free consultation on 09 849 4036.
We will ensure you have the perfect flowers for your big day!